Attorney for Cruise Ship Insurance Claims

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    Attorney for Cruise Ship Insurance Claims

    Cruise companies can be responsible for many accidents and injuries aboard their ships. As such, these companies carry insurance policies that insulate them from having to pay damages when passengers get hurt. In addition, you might carry your own travel insurance that helps to cover the cost of injuries, damaged or stolen property, or other expenses you face after an accident or after you are subjected to crime on a ship. If either of these insurance policies fails to pay for your damages and needs when they are supposed to, it may be difficult to get the money you deserve.

    The lawyers at Rivkind Margulies & Rivkind, P.A. represent cruise ship passengers and travelers in lawsuits against travel insurance companies and insurance companies for cruise lines. Our lawyers can help fight denied claims and work to file lawsuits to get you the money you deserve after an injury or accident on a cruise ship. For a free legal consultation on your case, call us today at (866) 386-1762.

    Suing Cruise Ship Insurance Policies for Injuries Aboard a Ship

    Passengers and crew on board a ship can be seriously injured in many ways. Accidents such as slip and falls, railing collapses, or other injuries from unsafe conditions on the ship can cause injuries. Passengers can also be injured by food poisoning, dangerous pools or water slides, assault and sexual assault by other passengers, assault and violence from ship crew, and other dangers. When this happens, victims might have multiple avenues to get compensation for the injuries they faced.

    First, you might have your own insurance that allows you to get treatment. Medical insurance might cover the cost of some of your injuries, but you will usually have a copay or a deductible that you need to handle. Travel insurance might also be helpful to cover a major portion of the damages, emergency medical transportation, or other costs incurred because of the injury.

    Alternatively, the cruise ship might have insurance that covers the injuries that occur on board. This might not pay for intentional injuries, such as injuries caused by assault and sexual assault, but it would cover other injuries passengers suffer on board. If you file a lawsuit against the cruise line or a third-party insurance claim with the insurance company, you may be able to access these funds.

    The problem with relying on any of these insurance companies is that they might not play fair. Insurance policies dictate when injuries will and will not be covered and what damages are covered under the policy. Insurance companies may loopholes in these rules to try to block out claims. However, you may be entitled to file an appeal with the insurance company or take them to court to seek the damages you need.

    Appealing Insurance Claims and Denials for Cruise Injuries

    If your travel insurance denies a claim for injuries, you might be entitled to file an appeal with the company. In this lawsuit, the specific terms of your insurance policy will be one of the most important parts of the case. Our lawyers can look at the policy and see whether your injuries should be covered, then challenge the insurance company’s noncompliance with the policy. Often, simply challenging a denial will be enough to get the insurance company to reverse their decision. If they do not, we can press the case further and fight the claim in court to get you the money you are entitled to under your insurance policy.

    If you file a claim against a cruise ship for your injuries, you will need to prove you case before you can get the compensation you deserve. The insurance company and legal team representing the cruise ship may offer you a settlement to end the case quickly and give you some amount of compensation instead of letting the case progress to trial. However, settlements may be too low to cover your full needs. Instead, you might need to take your case to court to get compensation.

    If the cruise ship’s insurance company denies your claim or offers a low settlement, you will need to prove the cruise ship’s negligence in court so that the judge can order them to compensate you. This means proving what the cruise ship did wrong and how these mistakes caused your injuries. Once the judge orders damages, you can collect compensation.

    In some cases, the cruise line itself will be on the hook for damages instead of the insurance company. Some types of injuries, such as intentional injuries or injuries resulting from recklessness or gross negligence, are not covered under insurance policies. This means that the insurance company may not be legally obligated to pay you anything. However, a court order for damages can help you collect compensation from the cruise company instead, forcing them to pay you the full sum of damages the court found in your case.

    It is important to talk to a lawyer for guidance on how to maximize your damages. Filing your claim properly with the right parties can help avoid denials and work to get you damages efficiently. Your lawyer can also help you understand what your case should be worth and whether damages will be missed filing an insurance claim instead of a lawsuit.

    Call Our Cruise Ship Injury and Insurance Claim Attorneys for a Free Consultation

    If you or a loved one suffered injuries in an accident on a cruise ship, contact Rivkind Margulies & Rivkind, P.A. today. Our cruise ship accident attorneys sue cruise liners and their insurance companies to get you compensation for injuries aboard a cruise ship. We can also help fight travel insurance companies who deny claims for compensation you are rightfully entitled to under your travel insurance policy. Call our law offices today at (866) 386-1762 to discuss your case and set up a free legal consultation.

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