Cruise Ship RipCord & Skydiving Simulator Injury Lawyers

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    Cruise Ship RipCord & Skydiving Simulator Injury Lawyers

    Skydiving simulators are sometimes installed on cruise ships as an interesting attraction to keep adults and children alike entertained during a cruise.  Royal Caribbean’s RipCord simulator and other similar skydiving simulators could hold dangers for passengers and participants, potentially leading to serious injuries.  The cruise ship should be held liable for many of these accidents and injuries that occur on their watch.

    If you or a loved one was injured using a skydiving simulator on a cruise ship, call Rivkind Margulies & Rivkind, P.A. today.  Our cruise ship RipCord and skydiving simulator injury and accident attorneys might be able to take your case and fight to get you compensation in a lawsuit against the cruise line that was responsible for your injuries.  To schedule a free legal consultation on your case and to learn more about suing for injuries, call us today at (866) 386-1762.

    Common Causes of Injury on Skydiving Rides Aboard Cruise Ships

    Skydiving rides and skydiving simulators generally consist of a large tube or cylindrical net over a big fan.  Riders wear a baggy suit with extra fabric between the arms and legs so that the wind from the fan will catch on the fabric and lift them off the ground.  Riders feel the rush of wind which simulates the feeling of being suspended over open air.  The fan is often adjusted slowly at the beginning and end of the ride to prevent the rider from suddenly being lifted off their feet or suddenly dropped, but problems can still occur.

    Riders can be injured if they twist or move in such a way that they no longer catch the air in their suit.  These skydiving simulators work best when the rider is horizontal so that the wind pushes against all the fabric of the suit.  If they turn vertical – whether that be with their feet down or their head down – they will not be lifted as efficiently and may begin to fall.  Other twists or turns might blow the rider off course, and they could quickly smash into the walls around the skydiving chamber.  To prevent this, these rides often have an attendant who stands on the fan and helps guide the rider to avoid issues.

    When you fall or hit the walls on one of these rides, you could easily suffer injuries.  Riders typically wear helmets, and some rides might require you to wear kneepads and elbow pads as well.  Still, broken bones, dislocated joints, sprains, and strains could occur if you hit the wall or floor too hard.  Also, helmets and pads will typically do nothing to help protect your neck or back in a fall, which allows serious injuries to occur.  Even if a helmet is provided, it might be defective or too weak to help protect you from some concussions and brain injuries.

    Many of these accidents happen because the rider is not properly monitored or rules and warnings are not clearly conveyed to the rider before they step into the ride.  This places a heavy burden on the cruise line and ride operators.

    Holding Cruise Ships Responsible for RipCord and Skydiving Ride Accidents

    If you are injured on a skydiving ride, the injuries could be attributed to the attendants, staff, and crew responsible for skydiving ride safety.  The on-site attendant might have failed to warn you of dangers or properly convey rules and safety tips, which could allow you to be injured.  They might have also been negligent in monitoring you and operating the ride, allowing you to face an increased risk of injury while tumbling or falling within the ride.  Alternatively, the crew and maintenance staff responsible for upkeeping the ride and making sure that suits and helmets are in proper working order might have been negligent, allowing the ride to be used with sub-optimal safety standards.  In either case, the cruise ship can typically be held responsible.

    Lawsuits can usually be filed against any and all parties responsible for accidents like this.  This means you can sue the individual staff or crewmembers who allowed your injuries to occur, whether they were ride attendants or maintenance workers.  If the injury occurred while they were working within the scope of their duties, you can typically sue the cruise line in their role as their employer.  If multiple parties share fault in causing your injuries, you can generally sue all of them in one lawsuit.

    To win your case, you will need to prove what they did wrong and how this violated their duty to take reasonable steps to keep you safe.  You must also prove that the accident directly caused your injuries and prove the damages you suffered because of the accident.

    Damages for Indoor Skydiving Accidents on Cruise Ships

    In most cases, suing for damages will open up additional damages that a claim against the cruise ship’s liability insurance or your own travel insurance will not allow.  While insurance claims might cover some medical expenses and lost wages, they might not cover the full value of these damages.  Damages for pain and suffering and other intangible harms typically are not covered by insurance, so you may need to sue in court to get the full damages you deserve.

    To get compensation for the medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages you suffered, you typically need to produce records of these damages.  This can include medical bills, pay stubs, financial records, and other documentation of the harm you faced.  For noneconomic damages like pain and suffering, your testimony about how the injury affected your life can work as evidence to prove the damages you faced.

    Call Our Cruise Ship RipCord + Skydiving Simulator Accident Attorneys for Help

    If you or a loved one was injured while riding on a skydiving simulator or indoor skydiving ride on a cruise ship, contact Rivkind Margulies & Rivkind today.  Our cruise ship RipCord and skydiving simulator accident and injury lawyers represent victims of injuries on cruise ships and fight to help them and their families get financial compensation for their injuries.  For a free legal consultation on your potential case, call our cruise ship accident attorneys today at (866) 386-1762.

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