Miami Cruise Ship Shore Excursion Accident & Injury Lawyer

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    Miami Cruise Ship Shore Excursion Accident & Injury Lawyer

    One of the most exciting parts of a cruise can be an excursion to shore. Opportunities to adventure in jungles, to ride horses on the beach, or just to see foreign towns and cities might be your favorite part of a cruise. However, many of these excursions carry some risks that could lead to serious injuries or tragedies.

    If you or a loved one was injured on a shore excursion from a cruise ship, contact Rivkind Margulies & Rivkind, P.A. today. Our Miami cruise ship shore excursion accident and injury attorneys represent victims and their families in lawsuits for injury and death on excursions from cruise ships. Many American cruise ships keep their home port in Miami, which means our attorneys are perfectly situated to file your claim and fight to get you compensation for your injuries or losses. To schedule a free legal consultation on your case, contact our law offices today at (866) 386-1762.

    Suing for Injuries on a Shore Excursion Trip During a Cruise

    Most injuries and accidents that occur on a cruise ship are subject to maritime law. Maritime law is a type of federal law that applies to ships and vessels flying an American flag. While most injury cases aboard a ship fall under these rules, trips to shore may be governed by other rules. Our attorneys can help you sort out what laws apply to your situation, find the proper jurisdiction to handle your case, and sue the right party or parties.

    Many lawsuits for injuries on a shore trip are filed against the cruise company. In many cases, this is the right move. If an excursion from a cruise ship involves a boat or plane leaving from the ship or uses an excursion company hired by the cruise ship, the ship and its operators should be responsible for any issues those planes, boats, or workers cause. This often means that you can sue the cruise line for injuries and issues on excursions it arranged for you.

    Many cruise liners try to dodge liability by claiming that they did not have a hand in the excursion and that you should sue the excursion company instead. Sometimes, that means you need to file your claim against a different party, and you may need to handle your claim under a different set of laws.

    Our attorneys will work to investigate your case, look into the vetting process for hiring excursion companies, and examine the cruise line’s involvement in the excursion. Our lawyers will work to hold the cruise company responsible for your injuries, even if they occurred during an off-ship excursion.

    Examples of Injuries on Shore Excursions

    The phrase “shore excursion” is an umbrella term that usually refers to any trip away from the cruise ship. These trips are not necessarily excursions to land; you might take a trip downriver in a smaller boat, take a boat to reefs or shallow waters for snorkeling or scuba diving, or take a plane or helicopter for an air tour. Other excursions involve making port and taking in the local sights, such as rainforest trips, visits into the city, or sightseeing at local landmarks.

    Some of these excursions have especially risky activities. Jungle and forest zip line tours are a popular activity during shore excursions, but these activities carry a high risk of injury from hands or fingers being caught in the lines and pulleys as well as risks from falling. Other adventurous activities involving hiking or climbing also carry a risk of injury or getting lost.

    Excursions involving transportation always have a risk of injury if there is an accident. Boat accidents, helicopter crashes, and plane malfunctions can lead to serious accidents.

    Excursions involving swimming or diving also carry a risk of injury from drowning, being hit by a boat or vessel, or otherwise being injured. Especially in foreign waters, regulations might be more relaxed, increasing the risk of injury from unsupervised diving, uncertified scuba activities, or boats and vessels being driven by unlicensed or inexperienced pilots.

    Compensation for Injuries on a Shore Excursion from a Cruise Ship

    If you are injured in an accident during a shore excursion, you may be entitled to file a lawsuit against the cruise ship and the company operating the excursion to seek damages for your injuries. In the case of a wrongful death lawsuit, these damages may be substantial. The damages for your injuries commonly allow you to recover compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

    Medical expenses can be quite expensive, especially if you need medical treatment in a foreign country or require additional medical care from negligent care or delayed care. You may also need medivac or other expensive medical transportation. Injuries might also keep you out of work for a prolonged period, racking up damages from lost wages. In addition to these “economic” damages, you can also claim damages for the intangible pain and suffering you face. This includes payments for mental anguish and emotional distress as well as the physical pain you faced. In a wrongful death lawsuit, you may be entitled to additional compensation to cover the loved one’s lost income, lost companionship, lost household duties, and other expenses.

    Talk to a lawyer about what the injuries in your case are worth before accepting any settlement offers.

    Call Our Miami Cruise Excursion Injury Lawyers for a Free Consultation

    If you were injured during an excursion that left from a cruise ship, you may be entitled to seek compensation from the cruise company and the tour company that operated the excursion. The Miami cruise excursion injury attorneys at Rivkind Margulies & Rivkind have extensive experience filing lawsuits against cruise ships for injuries and wrongful death. If you or a loved one suffered injuries or you lost a loved one during a cruise ship’s shore excursion, call our law offices today to set up a free legal consultation. Our phone number is (866) 386-1762.

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